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am i the only drag who doesn't want the dark brotherhood quests?


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i like vittoria vicci and asgeir. in my first playthru i downloaded an alternate ending mod for their wedding. made sense since i thought astrid had some nerve to abdupt me and procede to sultrily shove an ultimatum i ain't agreed to. so i straight up stabbed that chick. took the lame-o destroy the dark brotherhood """questline""" (fleshed out as a fetch quest).

still, in my OG playthru i enjoy going down to the solitude docks and seeing vittoria and asgeir happily manning their store. like cheerful neighbors in my own wanda's-westview.


but i know. the dark brotherhood has npcs with personality. compared to the companions or the college of winterhold, it's rich gameplay. 2nd playthru, you're missing out if you don't do it.


and on the wet blanket side:

narfi? an orc just because he didn't obey orthodox orc expectations, followed his dreams and sucks at it? another orc who also didn't follow orc life rules, followed his dream, and is the best in all tamriel and not hurting anybody. and then my neighbor vittoria, thriving in the prime of her life, clipping her at her wedding - the one even in skyrim that isn't an exercise in belligerent partisanship -__- sheesh



am i the only wet blanket by the books square who is half dislikes the game's best faction? i feel like cole phelps level square. i just wish the contracts deserved it, like sibbi or maven. or delphine or erikur. or nazeem or half the population of markarth or that creep old man witch in rorickistead. or if you could do the cop out--beat them up and end it with a "never show your face in skyrim again" good-guy snarl.

jaqen h'ghar would say-- good, bad, it is irrelevant; we are a death cult and it is impersonal. but they're actually the embodiment of impersonal. not so with the dark brotherhood.


anyone else lame as me? no? :pinch: fine, i need more xanax to stop cole phelpsing over a bloody video game.

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Personally, I feel that the quests in the DB story line are a bit more than campy/cringeworthy, that they (and the DB characters) should have been more hard-lined and cold blooded, and included a couple of quests where you back up one or two of the DB on a mission.


There is Pentius Oculatus ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21061 ) to help flesh out Destroy the Dark Brotherhood (still not much in the way of character development for the PO), and Dark Brotherhood Rising Revengeance ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57157 ) that gives you a chance to get even for the initial attempts on your PC.


FYI - Maven is hard to remove from the game, as she is a potential Jarl in Riften. Would take a lot of scripting rewrites and carefully altering the Civil War quest line.

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dude! the pentius oculatus mod looks awesome. such a shame i didn't have it on my first playthru! thanks so much for linking it, i'm getting it right now.


now i'm on my 2nd it will be a real dilemma if i want to meet the dark brotherhood characters or do this awesome mod you posted.



i've seen a mod where you can save the argonian brotherhood character and he seemed like the coolest. shadowscales are easier to stomach anyways since they're more jaqen.


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