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Retextured Wolves


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Just about anyone could do it. If you extract the texture/model using BSAopt, and Nifscope, you could even do it! I recommend an art program like Photoshop or Gimp (I used gimp), and search the Internet for a nicely detailed patch of wolf fur. Circle Select part of it, make a new layer with about 50% transparency, and start pasting and rotating it across the wolf texture.


The original texture gives you the coloration, while the fur patch you are using gives you the detail. Super easy, and you can use the eraser tool with slight transparency to soften the edges of the fur where it changes direction. And suddenly, you have a super high quality wolf texture! :D


I'm doing this for an extensive full-body Khajiit re-texture mod. The models help so that you can fix areas of stretch or condensed fur to make it all flow. Also to make sure you have the fur going the right way :P

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