NorthwindGrey Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 The Nexus (Not The Forums The Mod Download Area)first off i want to add 1 question about the nexus its not important but how freak do you replie to people without saying @ Usename here i mean quote/replie on the nexus :confused: Oblivion, these are more like problems then questions1. This is more like a problem then a question but i don't know how to classificate iti have LOTS of mods (currently 305) and when i activate over 255 mods and turn oblivion on i get WHOOP-DE-DOO instant C.T.D. is there a patch? :sick: 2. Oblivion For PC has lots of complication on Vanilla Oblivion as i have experienced this before in Vanilla that firstly the A.I. acts completely different is the game then the Xbox 360/PS3 (I have both) versions is there a AI patch? :wacko: 3rdly. this might count as a NIF bug but Vanilla Armors are Screwed up (Parden My Launguage) i mean glass Mesh and Texture In Missing Vanilla Daedric Shield GONE Constant Message When some polls out a no mesh weapon Saying "Sound Missing" "Mesh Missing" "Texture Missing" then CTD i replaced glass with black warrior but still everythings Messed up! is there patch :confused: Finally. Maiq The Lair Skin ALONG with other Kajiit Skins are gone well Purple :confused: Also a nif bug when i combine armors like beserker & Divine armourys into 1 mesh if i put divine guardian armor over beserker creating new mesh only beserker meshes show im a little confused these were all the problems & questions i have also the problems from oblivion but i had OBMM at the time so yea these problems were BEFORE i got any mod so yea little help & Awnsers would be great :biggrin: :thanks: P.S. whats up with not working? :wallbash: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dezdimona Posted July 2, 2009 Share Posted July 2, 2009 you need wrye bash to combine esp's you've way to many mods thats why CTD's. aslo you need a good load order.The rest I couldn't understand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bben46 Posted July 2, 2009 Share Posted July 2, 2009 I will try to answer your questions. :biggrin: The @username is a way to let readers know who the comment is intended for. If a dozen people have replied to a comment, and you want to address one instead of all it is a simple way to let everyone else know who it is intended for. BTW, the comments in the download area are the same comments in the forums. They are linked. The absolute maximum number of mods is 255. This is hardwired into the code and cannot be changed. However, that is precisely 255 more then either the xbox or PS3. :whistling: There are ways to combine mods to effectively have more. :thumbsup: The basic AI of the NPCs is fixed by the code, however, many mods make changes to individual NPC AI. To change them all you would have to load each NPC into the construction set and make the changes. Then all of those added by mods. If Vanilla meshes or textures are messed up it is caused by a mod. Find the mod that makes changes to those meshes or textures and fix it. (not .com) was the precursor to TesNexus. It no longer exists, However every mod that was on tessource was moved over to TesNexus. If you come across one that still tries to send you to tessource, please report it so we can fix the broken link (just substitute for If you are interested, read the site history here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maigrets Posted July 2, 2009 Share Posted July 2, 2009 As bben46 says 255 is the limit on the number of mods but SOME can be merged to cut down the numbers. A lot also depends on what they are. Big overhauls or mods that add lots of NPC's and creatures require a lot of processing power. The same goes for texture replacers. Does your computer have the required specifications to run them all? If you have that many mods it's also very likely the cause of AI problems. Too many actors can cause severe AI issues, such as NPC's not moving or attacking, running around in a confused state etc. If you install one armour, then another it doesn't combine them. You have installed them incorrectly. The same for the khajiit textures. They are purple because they are missing. I really don't suggest you try using Wrye Bash until you know how to install mods correctly. It will cause more problems than anything unless you know what you're doing. Read the documentation with each mod carefully and make sure to follow the directions. Without a list and preferably a load order no-one can help much, I'm afraid. Since you mentioned OBMM.....Start the program, go to Import/Export on the right side of the window. Select View Load order. A text file will appear. Save it by clicking the disc icon or the File menu and post it here. Make sure you use a Codebox for that number of mods. You can do that by selecting "Insert Special Item" in the top section where you post. However, if you had big problems before using any mods at all, there is something seriously wrong with your install. I suggest reinstalling the game and that way you'll get the default textures and meshes and sounds back. By the sounds of it that's the only way to fix it. THEN, install one mod at a time and make sure it works before throwing over 200 into the mix. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NorthwindGrey Posted July 2, 2009 Author Share Posted July 2, 2009 thanks for the help i just got Wyre Bash and then went looking in my meshes & Texture and found a Imperial Texture in the Kahjiit folder i removed it and kahjiit skins are back :biggrin: :thanks: :thanks: now im off to a hole lot of combineing mods for more space Maigrets recommended i submit a load order well then here you go Current Mods Active Oblivion.esmSoVvM.esmCyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esmScreenEffects.esmCM Partners.esmEnhancedWeather.esmOscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esmHorseCombatMaster.esmSkyrimResourceMaster.esmXenomorphRace.esmToaster Says Share v3.esmCobl Main.esmNatural Interiors.esmUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espUnofficial Shivering Isles Patch.espUOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.espOblivion Citadel Door Fix.espDLCShiveringIsles.espDLCBattlehornCastle.espDLCVileLair.espDLCHorseArmor.espDLCFrostcrag.espDLCOrrery.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.espDLCMehrunesRazor.espDLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.espDLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.espDLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.espDLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.espDLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.espDLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.espDLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.espEnhancedWeather.espEnhancedWeather - SI.espLoadingScreens.espLiving Economy.espGuild Map Markers.espCryos Ordinator Lite.esp1AlexScorpionSneakingSuit.espAce's Warlock Gear.espArkay's Champion.espArmory of the Silver Dragon.espCapesandCloaks.espDMACArmor.espEternal Dragon Armor Light.espEternal Dragon Armor Heavy.espFantasy Mod.espGhogiels Armor.espHel Borne Spear Set.espIt's A Wig!.espLich King's Helm v1_0.espNew Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esppale_rider's Armor of Dragon's Nightmare.esppale_rider's Armory of The Divine Guardian.esppale_rider's Armory of the Berserker.esppale_rider's Paladin Equipment_enchanted_eng.espSauron_Armor_Chest.espSpears of Cyrodiil.esptda_Armoury Beta v1_2.esptda_ScytheModv1.2.espArynnsDrowQueen2.0.espHer Hand's Armor.espElven Armours.espGrim Reaper.espDLCThievesDen.espSlof's Oblivion Robe Trader.espOscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.espOOO-BirthSigns.espOOO-Dangerous_Traps.espOOO-DLT_Immersion.espOOO-Magic_Effects+Enchantments.espOOO-Magic_Game_Settings.espOOO-Potions.espOOO-ThiefGuild_Difficult.espKnightlyArmory.espArborwatch.espBravilSeaDomes.espGuardians of the Nine - Akatosh Chantry.espTheElderCouncil.espEmperorMod.espTheVaultofOrder.espThe Lost Spires.espLost Paladins of the Divines.espMannimarcoRevisited.espMannimarcoWardrobeChest.espNatural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esplorecreatures.espAdvanced Mark & Recall.esphilarity_121.espMadgod Powers.espPJs Disco Spell.espPJs Telekinesis Spells.espSupremeMagicka.espMultiple Enchantments.espSM Combat Hide.espHeatVision.espFrostcragRebornCobl.espCorean_hair_for_Original_race.espAssassins Creed - Altair's Gear - HeavyArmor+ThrowingKnives.espKT_CustomRaceFix.espCM Partners.espAW_Partners_MarkReturnTweak.espDADemons.espDAWerewolf.espEldrac_cloth.espLeyawin Player House for Sale.espDwarf 2.0.1.espBravil Player Shack.espBruma House For Sale.espSanta'sWerewolf.espDN_WolfsBane.espLycanthropy V. 2.espProject Spartan.espRingofStatRaising.espUnlimited.espTML_AdoringFan.espZelda OOT Equipment Mod v_78.espBrother Joseph.espArena Ring.espSword of Aeons.espLera's Clothes for Men.espAvo's Tear.espSephiroth Low Power.espAlheimrV2DK.espAlfheimrV2.espAssassin.espBW Armor.espDAIsrithr.espLoot All Armor.espMythic Dawn Armor.espKikai-PlayableDremora12.espRAV-DC.espNo_Load_Screen_on_Death-5824.esptda_PHModv1.2.espMrMuhs Sheogorath-Anims EV.espSunset Keep.espBeSkeleton.espRemove Evidence.espThe Pain and The Punishment.espBlue_Lagoon_Water-2032.espultimatehouse.espfenrirbyxilver.esparchrobe.espOverpowered_Mace.espSoulGun.espNoLoad.espTOTW.espTOTWcamp.espTOTWfurn.espPowerfull_sigil+death_poison+strong_umbra-8515.espMace of Doom.espswords of fable.espNo_Raiment_Ring-9336.espDASkeleton.espWarlock_Outfit-2835.esppale_rider's Pirate Reloaded.espOrderCommanderArmor.espLoH Equipment v0_03_5.espArena_BattlesV1.2EV.espgrim reaper all.espBFM_Final.espOblivion - Soulgems.espNew cheat mod.espgrim reaper's Scythe.esptesting armor and weapons 02.espGrim's Equipment.espgrim reaper's extra weapons.espNew weapons.espMasamunes.espAdd on.espfable.espBarrel Of Armors.espBanes Diverse Guards.espDBAssassin.espHircineandarmor.espEternal Flame.espWeapons of Werewolfs.espReapers Of The Realm.espKing Of Darkness.espAK-47GR2.espSephiroth The One Winged Angel.espUnderdark Unique Robes.espUmaril's Armor.espDAPredator.espAuroran Commander Equipment.espAyleid Commander And Eternal Flame Returns.esp1DeadlyShadows.espAlexMeteorShower.espDMCDanteClothes.espApachii_Heroes_Store.espLich King Fight.espAssassin Creed, Knights Of The Realm, King of Darkness V1.0.espKing Of Darkness Reborn.espReaper Equipment2.espKnight Of Darkness Armor V2.espSBfingerarmor.espBlackHandRobe.espXenomorphIncreasedHtH_250.espWhispered Warning.espSylarCMPartnerESP.espDAGimli.espCobl Si.espCobl Glue.espCobl Tweaks.espCobl Races.espOOO 1.32-Cobl.espBonds Big Portable Tent.espCobl Races TNR.espCobl Races TNR SI.espPale Riders Equipment in 1 ESP.espSalmo the Baker, Cobl.espDivineKnights.espcmNewArg.espDukeCity.espMOBS SI.espMOBS SI Optional Combat Settings.espIs It Safe.espHircine's Hunting Eqipment.espLich King Cape.espNatural Interiors - Cities.espBattlehornCastleEnhanced.espWerewolf-Legends.espGrigori_Deathwatch_Sithus.espBattlehornDivine.espWayshrineMapMarkers.espRobert Blackluster.espHaloSpartan.espWayshrines.espArmageddon.espElsweyrAnequina.espItem interchange - Placement for Frostcrag Reborn.espTribunal Armor V1.0.espSkycaptainsBloodTime.espTribunal Armor V1.1.espKnights.espBetter Benirus Manor - Helping Hands (EE).espWindowLightingSystem.espKnights - Unofficial Patch.espTSS Custom Companion Template.espYamsSprigganRace.espToaster Says Share Faction Recruitment.espCobl Races - Balanced.esp_Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp_Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp300 White Stallion 4 - OOO.espBetter Benirus Manor for Cobl - Complete.espsycHearNoEvil.espDMC Stylish - Specialanims.espBashed Patch, 0.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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