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Ultra Rusty power armour


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Hey, before you assume that I just want ultra rusty power armour, well that isn't all really. I would like Rusty Power armour that has only patches of clean metal left on the armor, and if it's possible create the texture so that the rusty parts don't shine but the patches of clean metal shine. The idea is simple, but i would like it in moderation and not overdone so the armour looks worn down from years of use and tarnishing. I have put together a simple Bitmap image of how i would like the power armour to look like, but take note i am using paint and that it isn't going to look superb, but if you need a rust reference just go to Bing, Google, or Yahoo and type in "Rust" in images.


I will describe to you in detail what i would like done. Please note that i do NOT want this to replace any power armour, i would like it to stand out and be unique. Of course, i will leave the looting placement up to the one to do it. Hell, if you feel like making a quest to earn it go for it (But i wouldn't spend too much time on that.)


General Details:

1.Armour must look rusty without gloss or shine on the rust.

2.There must be patches of clean metal here and there, but not too clean.

3.The Clean metal should be a little brown due to dirt wear and tear on it.

4.Add simple scratch marks here and there but not too many, do it in moderation and use common sense where you place the scratch marks.

5.Replace the Brotherhood of steel decal on the shouldpads with a worn-down decal symbol of radioactive tri-foil pattern using the typical yellow color, but make it rusty and partially worn.



1. Make the eyepieces a dim green color, as if it's glowing but isn't bright or extreme.

2. The helmet should follow the same rules as the general details.

3. The respiratory polymer tubes should look dirty, maybe a blackish-brown powdered look.


Remember: Make this a NON-REPLACEMENT.


Now for stats. (Yes, i would like the armor to be unique but not a cheat item of god item.)


I was thinking the armour should be given +2 strength +1 Perception and +3 Endurance with a full DR of 45. Allow the power armour to be repaired using original power armour.


Now, for that image. The art isn't that good but it is to be used as a reference in place with the guidelines mentioned above. Only do this if you are going to commit to it.






Also, keep me updated if you like this would be awesome.

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