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Mods not working. At all.


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Hello folks.

I've used the nexus for a long time, since Morrowind and I've never had issues installing mods for Morrowind or Oblivion.

Apparently however, Skyrim is a whole new beast to tackle and I just cannot get mods to work.


I originally used NMM exclusively. Nothing worked so I went ahead and obtained SKSE just incase and ran skyrim using this as well. But still nothing seems to be showing up.


I checked over these mods and made appropriate changes to the Pref.ini file and still they refuse to show up.

Any mod using an .ESP extension show up immediately, but I use a lot of retexture/meshes mods that don't come with .ESP

I do fine with manual installs and actually feel better doing so then using installers, so I figured they'd work with just manual installs but they still do nothing.


I heard loose files take a priority over the .BSA files and went ahead and even extracted every single .BSA then modified Skyrim to run with just the .ESM and .ESP files, using the loose files for everything else. The game worked (Barring the hiccups caused by using the loose files) but still my mods refuse to show up.


I've double checked my version and it is up to date. And I don't use steam and refuse too. (I know it's wonderful, but I hate it. Always had problems)

I'm at my wits ends ladies and gentlemen, please help. (Windows 7 and UAC isn't an issue.)

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