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Head tracker: Which one?


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For a player instance who stands all of about 5ft tall (~152cm) in boots...


When an NPC looks at me, they aim their head/eyes at mine (or close enough) automatically unless their pose is intended otherwise (talking to the player while crafting etc, where the only thing they *might* do is cock their head a little)


However, Even if 1st person shows me looking at them, in the eyes, no matter what, when I check in third person, I'm looking them squarely in the chest (or thereabouts), on line with my player's horizontal line of sight, instead of lifting my head to look them in the eyes.


Just "had a conversation" with Faralda and she towered over me, (appears to be about 6'8" with her boots on), so I was basically looking at her navels (SFW) while we were having some ostensibly "serious" discussion, and well, it just looked really dumb, or the sort of pose I used to take (but off to the side and down was my typical behavior) when my autism was a lot worse as kid (avoid eye contact at all costs!)


Is there a head tracker that forces an actual "face to face" dialog, rather than a "face to chest" dialog?



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really wish I had my load order fixed to load up and verify, but I use https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11993, and while I can't specifically say PC and NPC make eye contact in dialog, I can say that at least with dogs, PC head does swivel and point at the animal in dialogue... I also like to play a short character, so looking up for conversations is very immersive, and I wanna say it's close enough to not be noticeable

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