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Suddenly got CTD all the time


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Since few days Fallout 3 crash all 5 minute for nothing, i just run in the wasteland and game crash.

I tried to figure this out and it seems each time a NPC have to spawn, the game crash.

Im using wasteland traveler and Marts mutant mod but its weird cos before it never happened...


If someone could tell me if there is a way to fix it or something...



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Which patch are you using?


The same thing happened to me while I used Patch 1.5. It crashed everytime I enter a new cell or outdoor space.

Some mods were simply in conflict with that patch and I had to either find a workaround for each mod or deactivate them completely.

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I m just using patch 1.6 since i have only point look out and the pitt.

This is strange cos i have not many mod instaled, some for outfits who works without any conflict,20th century weapons and those i mentionned in the first topic.

I didnt change anything to the game since 1 month and during the last week the game constantly crash for nothing.

i can stay with my character without moving in the waste , i dont touch anything and it crash...


its boring to play a game like that

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