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Super Mutant Skeletonizer


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With my Skeletonizer mod up and running properly, I want to take it to the next level and make Super Mutants skeletonize-able. I've already modeled, rigged and exported a super mutant skeleton model that works fine in-game, all I need to do right now is figure out how to make super mutants switch to that model upon death.


This is where I hit a bit of a snag: this here is my script that fires the laser skeletonization effect (which is called by a previous script that detects what projectile someone is killed by).


Here's my script so far:


scn OMNYLaserSpellFXScript

Float Timer

Short DoOnce

float fFloat


begin ScriptEffectStart

if GetIsCreature == 0

if GetIsID nvcrmrhouse == 0

PMS OMNYLaserSkellyGlow

Set Timer to 1.4

Set DoOnce to 0


elseif GetIsCreature == 1

if GetIsCreatureType 4 == 1

PMS OMNYLaserSkellyGlow

Set Timer to 1.4

Set DoOnce to 0


set fFloat to Rand 0.2, -0.2



Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

SetVelEx 0 0 2

Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed

If DoOnce == 0

If Timer <= 1.1

if GetIsCreature == 0

AddItemAlt OMNYLaserSkellySuit 1

EquipItem OMNYLaserSkellySuit 1

Set DoOnce to 1


elseif GetIsCreature == 1

if GetIsCreatureType 4 == 1

ToggleCreatureModel "nv_sm_v2_2_base.nif" 0


ToggleCreatureModel "OMNYSuperSkelly.nif" 1





If Timer <= 0

SMS OMNYLaserSkellyGlow

Set DoOnce to 1


if Timer <= fFloat

dispel OMNYLaserSkellyFXSpell




The trouble is, while it does technically work (the flames/glowing effects don't go off) and they turn into a skeleton, when I reload my previous save, the super mutant is alive again but they are still a skeleton. Which is kinda cool but obviously problematic for what I'm trying to achieve.


For the record, I'm using Neil the super mutant as my test subject, hence why this script only looks for the one model in his model list.


All that said, any suggestions? Alternatives?

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