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Crashes with mods

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also you load order needs a little work fallout esm needs to be first in the load order also if you have the 1.6 patch you dont need the other fake patches will make you ctd ect
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I lied, more problems have popped up and I need help. I'm running RaiderMercenaryExpanded, UPP-Experience Perks, UPP Pack1 UPP Pack 2, Darkness, UPP Original Perks, UPP Quest Perks, Skill Points Increase, Max Level 100, More Ammo, More Ammo Explosives, Aliens, City-Keller no replace, Ripley Rifle, Dree Perks, HZ_FN57, Arnold (which is kinda useless cause he hasn't been around in forever) Anchorage, Cantabury Commons Guards, Point Lookout, MMM, Raider Mercenary Expanded MMM, Increased Spawns, Feral Ghoul Rampage, Hunting and Looting, Natural Selection, Zones Respawn, MMM anchorage, MMM the Pitt, MMM Broken Steel, MMM Point Lookout, Broken Steel, the Pitt, Cross Repair Armor, Cross Repair Weapons, Beefed up Citadel, CRI Squad New, NPC Playable Gauss Rifle, Improved Gauss Rifle, Tau Ammo, Wrhammer Imperial Guard Replacer, Tau Pulse Carbine, Tau Ammo Vendor, Tau Pulse Rifle, Tau Pulse Weapons, Tau Pulse Carbine FOSE, Tau Fire Warrior, Necron Gauss Flayer. I didn't have any problems till I loaded CRI, and now that I have taken it off I'm still having problems crashing after attempting to move anywhere.
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I lied, more problems have popped up and I need help. I'm running RaiderMercenaryExpanded, UPP-Experience Perks, UPP Pack1 UPP Pack 2, Darkness, UPP Original Perks, UPP Quest Perks, Skill Points Increase, Max Level 100, More Ammo, More Ammo Explosives, Aliens, City-Keller no replace, Ripley Rifle, Dree Perks, HZ_FN57, Arnold (which is kinda useless cause he hasn't been around in forever) Anchorage, Cantabury Commons Guards, Point Lookout, MMM, Raider Mercenary Expanded MMM, Increased Spawns, Feral Ghoul Rampage, Hunting and Looting, Natural Selection, Zones Respawn, MMM anchorage, MMM the Pitt, MMM Broken Steel, MMM Point Lookout, Broken Steel, the Pitt, Cross Repair Armor, Cross Repair Weapons, Beefed up Citadel, CRI Squad New, NPC Playable Gauss Rifle, Improved Gauss Rifle, Tau Ammo, Wrhammer Imperial Guard Replacer, Tau Pulse Carbine, Tau Ammo Vendor, Tau Pulse Rifle, Tau Pulse Weapons, Tau Pulse Carbine FOSE, Tau Fire Warrior, Necron Gauss Flayer. I didn't have any problems till I loaded CRI, and now that I have taken it off I'm still having problems crashing after attempting to move anywhere.
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