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Starfield creating ini's in the data folder


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I recently got this post on my mod's page:


Do you have any idea why TNModularStarbornSuits.ini is being created in my data folder when I load a save? It's filling with information from my StarfieldCustom.ini and information from certain CCR toml files that I have, which is causing some friction with a certain toml file I'm trying to make. This in turn breaks some functionality in my Starmap for some reason.


And I have no idea why. I have found others in my personal Data folder and deleted them. They don't come back from what I see, but I know for a FACT that I did not include that ini file in my mod. I have no idea how or why it was created. Does anyone have any clue as to what causes this?

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I have had a similar thing happen with CCR .toml files that use the 'SaveINIFiles' command after one or more 'SetINISetting' commands.
In my case I am using Mod Organizer 2, and an .ini file was being generated in the Overwrite folder, but it would be named after the last .esp/,esm in my plugin list.

So this has nothing to do with the actual .esp/.esm mod that the generated .ini is named after.

Through "trial and error" and testing other .toml mods, I discovered that the 'SaveINIFiles' command doesn't seem to be needed for the 'SetINISetting' commands to have an effect.

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