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Karmic Titles Evil 21-30


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I've been tinkering with Fallout 3, Broken Steel and Karma on the PC for a while now, and have come to a discovery. Please note that I seriously doubt I'm the first to find this, but as I have not been able to find a workaround, patch or even any serious discussion on it, I'm bringing it up here.


With Broken Steel installed, whenever I made it to Level 21 with an Evil or Very Evil character, the game would immediately crash to desktop. Instantly. If I use the console, put my char level at anything above 20, then lower my karma to a negative value, the game would immediately crash to desktop. You get the idea. Anyway, I was looking for fixes/etc and stumbled across this in the GECK help site:

SetGameSetting sKarmicTitleEvil01 "Little Devil"
SetGS sKarmicTitleEvil01 "Little Devil"

Sets the level 1 karma title to "Little Devil".


So I look at this and see a debug tool. I run with it. I open up Fallout, load a save and use the console to make a Very Evil level 20 character. Everything works, and I save. Then, I set the level to 21 and the game crashes to desktop. I restart the game, load it and type:

SetGS sKarmicTitleEvil20 "TEST"

I open up the Pip-Boy to verify that the title changed and it had done so correctly. Then I type:

SetGS sKarmicTitleEvil21 "TEST"

And the console returns 'Not Found'. Can't find anything that works, the title just seems to not exist. I suspect this is what's causing the crash. Now, I'm using version 1.1, not version 1.5, but I'm leery of updating as this is the only difficulty I'm currently having with the game, every single other thing in it runs flawlessly. Is there any method that the folks here know of that I could use to add sKarmicTitleEvil21-30, or is it hard coded somewhere?

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That's the problem right there, you are using an outdated update, lol.

You need to get 1.6 or 1.5 and Master update, fakepatch and all that or else some of the scripting commands that are required for leveling past 20 are not present, thus CTDs! so unless you want to make the code yourself, I reccomend upgrading. That will solve all your problems. You won't find it by snooping around, you have to update, that's why there are updates with DLCs so they don't *ban me* with your game, Also, if you have mods that mess with our level you might want to get rid of those.

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I see. How unfortunate. I'm not opposed to writing my own code, but I don't know Fallout 3's coding and I'm not a reverse engineer. Sigh. I really don't want to mess with the update/fakepatch crap, so I think I'll just use the console to hold the char below 21 & see if that works.
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Hrm, that's kind of lame. The 1.6 update isn't that bad, it's real easy and fixes all the problems with the 1.5 patch. It will save you a lot of grief with always having a lvl 20 character, or be good. either way, you do whatever you want to do, the thing with updates is that they also add a lot of fun stuff like the 1.5 added a different NPC cover system so they don't dodge bullets so much
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Well, when I stop being stubborn (give it a week) I'll give it a go. In the mean time, wandering around the GECK I found the Game Settings (not that they're particularly hidden), and am I being a moron or can I not add any?
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Unfortunately, they are hardcoded. You can test this for yourself by using a program such as FO3Edit and adding a new GameSetting. The game engine won't know how to handle it and I would expect it to crash.


It would be interesting if it was discovered that these particular GameSettings could be "extended" safely, due to their sequential nature, but I doubt it would be that easy for us.



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