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How could I get rid of this bug? Borked NPC polygons for 1 specific rando NPC


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Don't worry, not all of my NPCs look like this.


In fact, it is only this specific dude in the red suit who has his polygons borked like this. Happens every time he spawns and is in view, no matter the distance. I have no mods that alter NPCs, so the reason for his borkedness is unkown to me. It is a bit scary, because all those elongated polygoins flail around wildly as he walks and many of them seem to go off into infinity, I am afraid it's gonna crash the game every time he shows up, but hasn't happened so far thankfully.


Could I somehow disable his spawn? Or maybe install a mod that changes all NPCs, hoping it will fix him? Or maybe this is a well known bug that has working solution somewhere?


I am not a modder, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to fix this.


Thanks for your ideas in advance chooms

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