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Trade menu not opening


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Hi, ive never used the forums before but Im having a really strange issue it seems like no one has had before so I needed to make a post.

So today I started playing BG3 modded and ive been having a really great time but I finally made my way to the underdak and for the first time since installing my mods I tried to trade w an npc. They said their dialogue saying they were gonna let me trade then the trade sound effect played then... Nothing. The camera stays on me no menu for trading pops up. Ive tried everything I can think of to get it to work but nothing is working and it's starting to get really annoying because trading is such an essential part of the game.

I've attached the json for my mod order and if anyone can let me know what im doing wrong or what I can do to fix it that'd be really greatly appreciated. If you need anymore info just let me know, its my first time making a report like this so im not sure quite what I should provide or how I should go about it.

Also I'm on version v4.37.35.951 and this is with every npc its not just one or two.

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