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[mod request] meeting times for quests


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One of the first quests you get is "The Information"... to meet Evelyn at Lizzie's between 6PM and 6AM, and while some other quests give you the same time information, most do not.



Sinnerman, you are supposed to meet Jablonsky and wait, I arrived there at 5pm and hit the wait prompt, after the wait time, it was 3pm. Which means, the game did let me wait 22 hours at the bench. For me it is immersion breaking, after all there is a time bomb ticking in my head, so no reason to waste 22 hours just sitting around. (and yes I know you can literaly spend months and nothing will happen, but thats not the point)


No Easy Way out (DLC), you have to meet Aaron, after talking he tells you to meet him later at Terra Cognita. I arrived there at 1AM, hit the wait prompt and when done, it was 9PM, which means I was sitting at the bench for 20 hours. Again wasted 20 hours and in addition, it interfered with the DLC main quest that have you wait for 2 days.


So, my request/suggestion is to modify the mission task lines to give the player some hint about the time when to meet. It can be something specific like "meet at 8pm" or more generic like "meet in the afternoon" or something like "meet after 6pm" (which I would prefer, as it would still make you wait a little bit).

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