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Compatible collections - in what order should i install them?


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Thanks to you I checked a few collections.

I am interested in the Immersive & Adult collection.

On I&A collection page the only compatible collection listed is Sexy Statues.

On the other hand on the collection page of Wow Weapons and I&A Armor Expansion, there is info that they are compatible with I&A.

So I am at a loss here.

Does it mean they were compatible in the past but not anymore?

Also does the phrase "made for anniversary edition" mean that it won't work with SSE?

Back to the topic.

If I know collections are compatible does it matter in which one is installed first?

And if the answer is yes, should I use sorting software?

Thanks for the answer,







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modders can't keep a running tally of every in/compatible mod, let alone collections... I&A being the "master" collection in this case, suggests that any other collection stating compatibility with it applies... but, that doesn't necessarily mean it applies with Sexy Statues also, as that is a different collection and not referenced by Wow Weapons (though if the collections hold true to name, it shouldn't interfere with world edits)


Anything that states "made for Anniversary Edition" implies required mods that were added as part of the new version, and in a collection that could be a terrible many, or game engine changes in the new version

the master mods could be cleaned of any of the Anniversary Edition masters, but that would be on you to do through xEdit


Even if the collections are compatible, load order is vital, but if the collector mentions a specific load order, use that

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