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Hogwarts Legacy

Mods make the game awesome!


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I was bamboozled into thinking that PS5 was the optimal way to play Hogwarts Legacy, and it was the reason I bought my console. But after 5 years of hype, thinking HL would be my next "forever RPG", I was a little disappointed. The combat was so easy that you didn't have to engage with the potions or crafting system. Not to mention the target highlight, protego bubble, and block indicators just made me less engaged with the combat.


So I came to terms with the game being mid, but I wanted to play more. I had one look at the mods, and I knew that they would make a second playthrough worthwhile. I removed the UI elements I thought made the game too easy, added the "Enhanced" mods, and EnemisExtremis, and now this game is my wizard combat sandbox where I can make my own fun. It's challenging enough to where I have to drink potions, and engaging enough to where I'll want to upgrade my gear at endgame.


A HUGE thank you to Khione95 and DekitaRPG and the other modders that make this game worth playing.

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