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NPC Be Nice Tutorial Help


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Want them permanently friendly? Thats easy to do. Just change out the factions to make them friendly instead of enemies. In one of my mods i have skeletons walking about in an old mine with some Skeevers and that was just changing factions for those particular ones.


One thing I have learned is they sometimes wont be friendly if its not a new save, seems the save sometimes decides the whole race is evil. So if they agro you test from a new save where you havnt met anything before or just make a copy of the whole race. For non playable creatures i suggest just make a copy of the race and use that just incase you decide later to use new textures for them.


As for turning one from an enemy to firendly while playing such as kill something and the NPC suddenly likes you, you will need to script it so the factions get changed. Not a clue on how to do that myself.


For console commands you would use addtofaction 0005A1A4 1 or setplayerteammate 1 and setrelationshiprank player 4 to change the NPC's factions and friendliness towards you. I did that to a forsworn looter and left it where it was. when the others respawned they mustve killed it because I got a letter from jarl Igmund saying it was dead and i got its inheritence. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/92491 If you want to see the letter...

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