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RDR2 Modsupport S.o.s - stuck at step 1 [Detailed]


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RDR2 Modsupport S.o.s


* Game has very inconsistent crashing with mods and not crashing with mods...

Trying to have game with the 3 modding basic tools working. or at least lml?

* Asi loader, Scripthook, LML.

lml alone was working at some points, but not consistently, no idea why.

always crashes when paired with asi loader or scripthook, or both (-dinput8).

Every tutorial video on youtube shows installing as instructed and what i have also done, but for them the game works, for me the game crashes on loading.



Computer= 12th gen intel cpu, nvidia gtx 1660s, 16gb ram, win10.

Steam legit version, Build 1491.18 (latest)

fresh install, & deleted previous's residue files (ie, saves)

Vanilla game loads. (*by load i mean INTO the gameplay part)


Following exact instructions, tripple checked, and watched install videos,

Latest mod tool files as of 8/11/23

have only Latest-asi loader (version.dll) = crash on load

have only Scripthook -dinput8, + asi loader = game loads

have only Scripthook -dinput8, + asi loader + lml = crash on load

have only lml = game loads

have only scripthook = game loads

have only lml+scripthook = crash on load

have only lml+scripthook[tried: A B, V2, Maintanance, Community] = crash on load

Test with specifically lml_b8, asi_02_1, latest scripthook = crash on load


Edited by M5Modsmodsmodsmodsmods
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UPDATE: (text from my launch log)





+ Supposed to work - latest (lml, asi, scripthhok -dinput8)

+ F7LockdownManagerMenu

+ SnappyUI

= (lml/SnappyUI = working), Crash on load.


- scripthookand asi (only lml)

+ Str8IntoTheGame (MainLegalSkip) - merge into mains

= Crash. GOT AN ERROR MESSAGE** (first crash it actually detected -.-)

"out of memmory" "close other applications, computer must meet min req"


applied fixes (make sure steam overlay is off, turn on steam shader pre-caching and allow background processing of vulkan shaders, disable unused audio devices from device manager,


* has Str8IntoTheGame [skiplegalscreens,skiptitle]

* has lml

launch from game files exe

= (signin again), told my 'socialclubaccount' doesnt own rdr2. O K A Y.

launch from steam then

= game loads. now lml isnt working. >_>

open/running lml mod manager installs

= loads. (mods still not working). *lml mod manager thinks game is not running


* note i dont have any other applications on in bg, except files/pictures/vlc.

* note all mod thingy logs show no errors or anything interesting, just simple sucsessful loading. ?

* sidenote... i remapped my keybinds are for no discernable reason, horse go forward (w) no means spin in circles (either direction), didnt stop from reload or restart or new save, stops if i set keybinds to default... now i will have to test my new keybinds one by one? -.-

gfd this game ;-;

Edited by M5Modsmodsmodsmodsmods
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(fixed stupid controls glitch, seems that if you have nothing bound to horse backwards it just sets forwards as backwards...??)



"col=crash on load"

*no mods
+ asi loader
+ F7LockdownManagerMenu
= doesnt work
+ scripthook/dinput8
+ F7LockdownManagerMenu
= works !!
latest scripthook/dinput8= w
rename dinput8 to version= crash on r*
scripthook + lml b11= col
only lml b11= loads but x w
scripthook + lml b10_1= col
only lml b10_1= loads but x w
scripthook + lml b9= crash on r*
only lml b9= loads but x w
**ignoring the mod manager files...
OK so, lml straight up isnt working.??
Scripthookrdr2.log says:
// RDR 2 SCRIPT HOOK (build Feb 9 2023, v1.0.1491.17)
// © Alexander Blade 2019-2023
[14:29:06] INIT: Started
[14:29:06] INIT: Success, game version is VER_AUTO
[14:29:06] INIT: Registering script 'F7LockdownManagerMenu.asi' (0x00007FFEF8195590)
vfs.log says:
2023-11-10 14:29:09 INFO d:\gtav\vfs\vfs\vfs\loadermain.cpp:116: Log initialized
2023-11-10 14:29:09 INFO d:\gtav\vfs\vfs\vfs\loadermain.cpp:117: Lenny's Mod Loader Beta Test Version 0.5.7872.2247 - Compiled on Jul 21 2021 01:14:57
2023-11-10 14:29:09 INFO d:\gtav\vfs\vfs\vfs\loadermain.cpp:122: Running RDR2
2023-11-10 14:29:09 INFO d:\gtav\vfs\vfs\vfs\loadermain.cpp:97: Game File Version: 1.0.1491.18
asiloader.log says:
// RDR 2 ASI LOADER (build Jul 18 2021)
// © Alexander Blade 2019-2021
LIB: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput8.dll" => 00007FFEF77B0000
API: "DirectInput8Create" => 00007FFEF77B2230
API: "DllCanUnloadNow" => 00007FFEF77C5220
API: "DllGetClassObject" => 00007FFEF77C5330
API: "DllRegisterServer" => 00007FFEF77D4740
API: "DllUnregisterServer" => 00007FFEF77D49C0
LOADER: Loading *.asi plugins
ASI: Loading "C:\ * * * \steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\F7LockdownManagerMenu.asi"
"F7LockdownManagerMenu.asi" => 00007FFEF8180000
ASI: Loading "C:\ * * * \steamapps\common\Red Dead Redemption 2\vfs.asi"
new goal: *get lml working, find a scripthook that works with it
\deleted older logs
lml b11 only
+Unlockalldeadeyeabilties ***testing mods that ONLY require lml
+LSCR - OldTownRoad
+LSCR Redsingle (Rdr1Style)
(lml mm shows all five mods as check)
(run lml mm as ADMIN)
= loads. nothing works.
lml b10_1 only
+LSCR - OldTownRoad
+LSCR Redsingle (Rdr1Style)
= loads. nothing works.
as above but b9.
= loads. nothing works.
Ok so for now i can only use asi mods that dont require lml.
a slight improvment.
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