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Mod help please | Scripters, AI pros & CK masters needed


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Here are a few things that I need help with for a project that I'm working on.


-First of all I am a real noob with scripting and wanted some help. Could someone write a script source where upon a consumption of a food the target is killed instantly.

Here is my attempt (though I don't know if it will work at all):
| Event OnEffectStar(Actor akTarget)
EndEvent _|
-Second I would like some help with making a certain food a top priority when eating for AI packages (I have not attempted this as I don't know anything about AI packages)
-Lastly I would like some help with a quest alias issue I'm having. I am trying to make an alias which targets every actor that has a very high Disposition [maybe lvl 3(Ally)] with the player for a quest that I am making.
Any help that people could provide would be great as I am really stuck and would love to continue with my work. If u r not a pro but know something that may help then please comment.

Thanks :smile:
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