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Sprint transition animation bug (vanilla/modded)


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Hi guys.


I seriously need help to figure this bug out, I had probably 160 hours of playing Skyrim and then out of the blue, I got this mystical bug that apparently very few players have experienced. It looks like when the character begin to sprint (transition animation) is starting to flicking/glitching no matter how many times I try to sprint. I tried to delete all the mods, playing vanilla to start a new save to see if this bug still occured, and it still did unfortunetly. I have no idea how to explain this issue. I really hope i'm not alone with this, i'm pretty sure some of you guys has experienced this before. Tried to contact Bethesda support for this but them did not helping me out, probably waited for 11 days from them without no answer.


It's only been a couple of videoes on youtube showcasing this bug (Links down below) to give some examples of the bug.

I recorded my gameplay for this as well so you guys can have a idea what this is.


Video 1


Video 2


Video 3


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