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Warmaiden's Selling Items Stored in Outside Barrels (Solved)


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Just in case anyone had the unfortunate experience of finding out that Adrianne is selling all of your items stored in those two barrels outside of the Warmaiden shop...where attempting to buy said items may result in an immediate crash, it's due to this annoying little mod: Sexy Transparent Swimsuits.

How or why it has anything to do with barrels outside of Warmaiden is beyond me, but disabling it surprisingly fixed it for me. The mod didn't even work for me (i.e. no swimsuits).


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Eh? This is a Skyrim LE only forum? Didn't know. *scratches head*
Well, I'm using Skyrim SE anyways.

Storing items in public places have never been an issue for me until said mod.
Items only re-spawn when you don't visit them for awhile. So public containers that you frequent generally aren't problematic.

Meanwhile...Lydia is suddenly floating in midair and kicking her legs. Well, that's new. And I haven't installed a new mod for a week. o_o

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