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Modderslifes - BANNED

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Modderslifes banned






Upload of content to Hogwarts Legacy which violations site terms and permissions.


File: Short skirt and socks - removed.


Reason: Inclusion of child nudity.



For the purpose of mods altering the appearance of child characters, it is, therefore, required that mod authors refrain from doing anything that would allow for measures such as those outlined above to be circumvented in one way or another:


Clothes must remain irremovable through regular, in-game means

Underwear must remain irremovable in the same way it would not be easily removable in the vanilla game without impacting the integrity of the body mesh/model and/or texture

Any mod added child body or alteration must not feature reproductive organs or other sexual features (breasts)

Any mod added child body model must not enhance sexual characteristics in a way that is typically associated with adult bodies

Child characters must not be made available for “romance” or “marriage” quests or similar

Child characters must not be given abilities or functionality that can be perceived as romantic or sexual


https://help.nexusmods.com/article/28-file-submission-guidelines - Content related to Child Characters section.



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