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Barrels and crates seem to be missing...


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I just finished my complete re-install and re-modding of Oblivion, a good 4-hour process, and I've done everything just like I had before, save for building my bashed patch properly and removing esp's i didn't need. However, for some reason, everywhere that I look where a barrel should be I'm seeing one of those "WTF? I'm Missing a Mesh!" logos. I have absolutely no clue how this happened. It's especially irritating inside the Imperial City, since there's more barrels in there than Donkey Kong.

Additionally, but probably totally unrelated, is this odd issue of my graphics suddenly running very slowly. Same settings as I've always used, running off of an nvidia GTX 285, but it's all choppy and slow. I am worried suddenly lol.


Any ideas on the barrels thing?

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Oh yea, here's mah load order... I'm currently reviewing all these mods to see if anything would effect that specifically...



Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

CM Partners.esm


Mart's Monster Mod.esm


Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp

Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp





Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete v1.0.esp



Blood Illusion and Arcania armors for Exnem's body.esp



Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp


Oblivion WarCry EV.esp





Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp


The Lost Spires.esp






LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp

















LostSpires-DarkForest patch.esp

Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp


attack and hide medium v2.1.esp


Toaster's Legendary Skills & Stats.esp

Toaster's Legendary Mastery.esp



Tabaxi Race 2.0.esp

Beautiful People.esp

CM Partners.esp

CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp


CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

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missing barrel/crates is almost always from an incomplete OOO install. try reinstalling that (making sure to download the big package as well as the update). I don't autoknow graphics cards from their name/number but IIRC that graphics card is sucky, what is it's memory? (if it is less than 256 you will absolutely have to run on medium to low graphics settings.

Pacific Morrowind

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GTX 285, when i bought it 4 months ago, was the fastest single-GPU card on the market. It's got 1GB of VRAM, accompanied by 6GB RAM in triple-channel, corei7 processor, and a 10000rpm hard drive. And pretty much any other goody you could imagine making this NOT possible with Oblivion... I seriously doubt it's a hardware issue.... I AM at max graphics, but that's still not a heavy load for gaming PCs right? I thought Oblivion was high-end graphics like 2 years ago... -_-


As for the incomplete OOO install, it was the full thing, but it was also the first thing I installed, since I went with FCOM... so re-installing it now might be a bad idea... I'll def check that out tho, thanx!

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hmmm. you don't think that it could be running slow because i installed it outside of the "Program Files X86" folder, do you? That seems to be where all my programs are designed to run with Vista 64-bit go... although the location of the program shouldn't affect the amount of memory it recieves... I'm at a loss here....
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yep, i used Form ID Finder, and all the missing mesh alerts were linked to OOO... I did a full reinstall, no luck so far. Found somebody else who is having this problem, too. Only different between my last install and this one is that I actually merged and built my bashed patch once i was done installin FCOM. Maybe that's what did it? My graphics r runnin like turtle and my barrels are missing... ugh.
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it... never... ends...

SO, I managed to fix the barrels not showing up by using the old ESP of OOO. It's workin fine now. But somehow, even before I did this, my game began CTDing at random whenever i went into sneak mode. I thought it might have something to do with Attack and Hide, so I removed it, and it still crashes. THEN i discovered that if i changed my stealth key to something other than LCtrl, it would work fine. Then, if I hit LCtrl, with nothing bound to it, it crashes. SO it's gotta be some mod, but no mods I have even use Ctrl, to my knowledge....


I am real, real close to flipout status right about now... oh yeah, and for some reason all my vanilla races and a few new ones have their eyes all screwed up now. Like the texture was placed on the eye backwards, I can see two seperate eyes, both half under opposing eyelids. I've been screwin around with the different cosmetic packs I've got installed and so far, no luck. The onyl race not effected by this is the Ainhmi.


uuugh.... -_-

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well, this stuff is sorta easy to figure out once you've run out of all options but to just bury your face in extremely vague and boring documentation (not from you guys of course, you've been at my heels with help most of the time). I fixed the CTD while sneaking, seems streamline 3 makes ctrl one of it's hotkeys, and i was constantly purging data faster than it could handle i, I guess.


I may also have figured out how to fix the eyes problem: by using nothing but the original sets that came with everything. No possibility of screwy nightmare-eyes then, eh?

I'll continue posting until I've got my working Oblivion the way I want it.

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Most eye problems are related to having too many 'beauty' type mods installed. Each one wants to control how the eyes look and you get something strange. black eyes, no eyes, googly eyes, strange color etc. Look for mods such as 'beautiful people' and any custom race mod. disable all of them and see if you get the vanilla eyes back. Then reinstall the mods one at a time until you find the one that is causing the problem.


Possible mods from your list - my guess is rens is overwriting a part of Beautiful people which is overwriting one of the custom races.



Tabaxi Race 2.0.esp

Beautiful People.esp



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yea, it's just the horrible mixture of incompatabilities with these beauty mods... I've been finding every single race that still has the freakish eyes, and replacing their meshes and textures over and over with different mods, or their originals, until they work. SO far, only like 4 races out of about 20 are still messed up.


Jeez.. it's like curing genetic diseases.... -_-

thanx for the help tho! Another couple of days of this stuff, and I'd be able to stand in for you on this forum, easy lol

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