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whats a good enb for a computer with my specs?


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so i want an enb for skyrim that doesnt effect performance to much

my specs are


windows 8


6 gb of ram and


two nivida 750 geforce graphics cards each with 2gb of dedicated ram (10 gigs of ram altogether)


two intel core i5 processors


its a laptop a lenovo y510 p ideapad


just as a side note i like to use nightmare mod that spawns a shitload of enemies so thats why i want something that doesnt effect performance to much. normally i get 55-60 fps when playing normally and 45-60 when im fighting 40 plus npc at the same time


also i use RLO (realistic lighting overhual) it would be nice if it was a compatible enb


and one last thing iv noticed that RLO doesnt effect nighttime in the overworld so can anyone suggest anything that makes night time darker that's compatible with RLO

Edited by yezzerboi
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Enhanced Lights and FX is better than RLO in my opinion. Plus RLO doesn't affect Solstheim (if you have Dragonborn). Then you combine it with Climates of Tamriel. Or if you really like RLO, just add Climates of Tamriel. Just remember to disable the parts of RLO that conflict. Then select the CoT night darkness level you want.

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You might want to check the spec of your laptop - the sales blurb doesn't match what you think you have. Dual processors? Dual GPU, yes if you used the bay for the second one. Also don't forget the very important "M" off the end of your GPU. That denotes a mobile (low power) GPU.


Also remember that if you do have a dual-GPU system, the VRAM is not just added up - it is tied to each card. Two 2Gb cards do not allow you to fill 4Gb of VRAM.


If you want to have a look at ENB, read the nexus page on the RealVision Performance version and see if you think that will suit you. Generally you can expect an ENB to halve your FPS.

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Enhanced Lights and FX is better than RLO in my opinion. Plus RLO doesn't affect Solstheim (if you have Dragonborn). Then you combine it with Climates of Tamriel. Or if you really like RLO, just add Climates of Tamriel. Just remember to disable the parts of RLO that conflict. Then select the CoT night darkness level you want.

i second this combined with climates of tamriel it is as good as any enb with little or no loss in performance you also might want to look into another mod called imaginator



with some tweaking you can have stunning results

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Now that the above poster mentioned it, I took at look at the specs of a Y510p and the one at the Lenovo website doesn't seem to match your CPU?




Anyway, I didn't notice you had a laptop before, and the poster above me is perfectly correct, you don't add up RAM, and you don't have 10GB total RAM.


From your 6GB System RAM, Skyrim can only use 3.1GB. Doesn't matter if you manage to get 16GB of RAM on your laptop. Skyrim will not use more than 3.1GB (Game programming limitation since it's using x86).


Your dual GPU only gives you 2GB RAM, despite having 2 of them. What having 2 GPU does is that they share the work so they process faster, but only one GPU outputs anything. The other is it's slave. It's like GPU 1 is doing something, so instead of waiting for it to finish, it tells GPU 2 to do the next task, which when finished GPU 2 gives back to GPU 1 to incorporate in what he was previously doing. This is EXTREMELY simplified way of putting it.



With all that said, if you want an ENB, I strongly advise against it on a laptop, even one as powerful as yours. ENB taxes the GPU so much that it will cause it to heat up, and laptops don't have as much cooling power as a desktop, never mind the current polar vortex making everything colder. Similar to kleinstaff, I would suggest getting ELFX, CoT, and Imaginator, then add this mod called I can't believe it's not ENB: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554/?


The pictures in that page uses the ELFX, CoT, Imaginator setup as well.

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Now that the above poster mentioned it, I took at look at the specs of a Y510p and the one at the Lenovo website doesn't seem to match your CPU?




Anyway, I didn't notice you had a laptop before, and the poster above me is perfectly correct, you don't add up RAM, and you don't have 10GB total RAM.


From your 6GB System RAM, Skyrim can only use 3.1GB. Doesn't matter if you manage to get 16GB of RAM on your laptop. Skyrim will not use more than 3.1GB (Game programming limitation since it's using x86).


Your dual GPU only gives you 2GB RAM, despite having 2 of them. What having 2 GPU does is that they share the work so they process faster, but only one GPU outputs anything. The other is it's slave. It's like GPU 1 is doing something, so instead of waiting for it to finish, it tells GPU 2 to do the next task, which when finished GPU 2 gives back to GPU 1 to incorporate in what he was previously doing. This is EXTREMELY simplified way of putting it.



With all that said, if you want an ENB, I strongly advise against it on a laptop, even one as powerful as yours. ENB taxes the GPU so much that it will cause it to heat up, and laptops don't have as much cooling power as a desktop, never mind the current polar vortex making everything colder. Similar to kleinstaff, I would suggest getting ELFX, CoT, and Imaginator, then add this mod called I can't believe it's not ENB: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554/?


The pictures in that page uses the ELFX, CoT, Imaginator setup as well.

thanks for all the help im new to the whole computer thing and i never noticed that the ideapads on the lenovo website have different specs but mine for sure is an i5 nd has 2 750m graphics card instead of a i7 one 755 like the website says.

i was going to buy a desktop or build one with some tech savy friends but i also needed some thing for school and this laptop handles any game iv played so far on ultra or high but it cost me around 900 dollars but thats still cheaper then the alien ware i was gonna buy till i saw the ideapad

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