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Weird Bugs After Adding One Item


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I just installed my first mod, which allows you to add Bhaalist Armor to your inventory via a console command in Script Extender. Now I get weird and random bugs that don't make sense considering I only gave myself one item. I haven't updated to Patch 4.


1) I get previous Emperor dialogue at random or when I add someone to my party.

2) When I add someone to my party it will sometimes permanently alter their portrait; Lae'zel gets pink hair, Shadowheart is some kind of capture from her level up screen.

3) Occasionally black boxes the size of windows 1/6th of the screen will flicker during dialogue.

3) My cursor outside of the game sometimes gets weird lag.


None of this is game-breaking, but I don't want to keep playing on this save only to have to revert to a much older save if the bugs get more annoying.

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