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Error after installing several mods


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Hello everyone,

I'm new here, I've been playing video games a lot for a long time, but I've never been involved in modding. I've tried it with The Witcher 3, but I'm having a few problems.

I can run the game successfully with the following mods:

- The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project
- Fast Travel from Anywhere
- All Quest Objectives On Map
- Over 9000 - Weight limit mod


I did the installation manually, using Script Merger for a problem I had, which has now been solved.

I would like to install the following mods:

- AutoLoot - AutoLoot the items you want
- Minimap ZoomOut


But I'm encountering errors (which are not conflicts found by Script Merger).

The errors are as follows:

For AutoLoot :


Error [content0]game\quests\quest_function.ws(8772): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(1994): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(2005): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCastingPressed'
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11781): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionUpperTimer'
Error [content0]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11787): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionLowerTimer'
Error [content0]game\explorations\exploration_movement_system\exploration_substates\explorationstatejump.ws(292): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\signowner.ws(208): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\signowner.ws(231): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmodulecontrolsfeedback.ws(116): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1363): Could not find function 'SetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1368): Could not find function 'SetIsAltSignCasting'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\signentity.ws(980): Could not find function 'GetIsAltSignCasting'

Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.

For Minimap ZoomOut :


Error [content0]game\player\player.ws(2311): Function 'GetUserMapPinByIndex' does not take 6 param(s)
Error [content0]game\player\r4player.ws(2964): Could not find function 'SetIsInDlg'
Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(79): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneStarted'
Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(95): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneEnded'
Error [content0]game\scenes\sceneplayer.ws(113): Could not find function 'OnCutsceneEnded'
Error [content0]game\player\playermode.ws(92): Could not find function 'SetIsInCombat'
Error [content0]game\player\playermode.ws(113): Could not find function 'SetIsInCombat'
Error [modmapquestobjectives]wmkmapmenu.ws(189): Function 'IsQuestPinType' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [modmapquestobjectives]wmkmapmenu.ws(420): Function 'IsQuestPinType' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(218): Could not find function 'SetIsInFocus'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(258): Could not find function 'SetIsInFocus'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(291): Could not find function 'SetIsInFocus'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\focus\focus.ws(369): Could not find function 'SetIsInFocus'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmodulecontrolsfeedback.ws(263): Could not find function 'GetMinimapDuringFocusCombat'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleenemyfocus.ws(591): Function 'GetMapPinTypeByTag' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleradialmenu.ws(386): Could not find function 'OnRadialOpened'
Error [content0]game\gui\hud\modules\hudmoduleradialmenu.ws(452): Could not find function 'OnRadialClosed'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1468): Could not find function 'SetMinimapDuringFocusCombat'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1472): Could not find function 'SetMinimapDuringFocusCombat'
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(42): Function 'GetUserPinNames' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(46): Function 'GetUserMapPinLimits' does not take 2 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(244): Unable to convert from 'void' to 'array:2,0,String'
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(397): Unable to convert from 'void' to 'Int32'
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(414): Function 'GetUserMapPinByIndex' does not take 6 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(519): Unable to convert from 'void' to 'Bool'
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(542): Function 'IsUserPinType' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(613): Function 'IsQuestPinType' does not take 1 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(646): Property 'alternateVersion' exists but was not imported from C++ code.
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(648): Property 'alternateVersion' exists but was not imported from C++ code.
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(881): Function 'DisableMapPin' does not take 2 param(s)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(1025): Unable to find suitable operator 'OperatorAdd' for given types (String, void)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(1030): Unable to convert from 'void' to 'CName'
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(1035): Unable to find suitable operator 'OperatorAdd' for given types (String, void)
Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\mapmenu.ws(1154): Function 'ToggleUserMapPin' does not take 6 param(s)

Thank you in advance for your help!

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It's very likely you have one or more mods that have not been updated to version 4.04. Modding in The Witcher 3 got very tricky after the next-gen update. Initially you had to ensure that mods were updated to next-gen (v4.0). However, as CDPR released new versions, they continued to change scripts. What ended up happening is that mods created for v4.0 needed to be updated again, for v4.01, v4.02, etc. Not all of them have been updated. It's not good enough anymore if a mod says it is next-gen compatible. It needs to be specifically compatible to the version of the game you are playing, which, as of right now, is 4.04. The thing you have to do is check all of your mods to verify that they explicitly say v4.04 compatible. If they don't say that, then the next best thing is to check the date of the last upload. If it is after July 19, then it is likely compatible with 4.04. Before July 19, probably not. You can also read the posts sections of the mod pages. If a mod is not compatible, then you will see other users posting about it. If you do all that and still are getting error messages, then you have to install your mods one by one until you figure out which one is causing it. Install a mod, run script merger, launch the game. Repeat that over until you find the culprit. You can start with mods containing scripts. They are the only ones that will give you errors. Good luck.

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