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SF Text Input

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So I'll get straight to the point, I'm trying to update my mod for Starfield to give the Adoring Fan a name, and for the next version I want to be able to select a dialog option to have a text input pop up for the player to enter a name for them. My question is, is there a native or SFSE function that I can use to bring up the text input box?

To put it another way:

1. Player talks to fan and tells them they want to change their name. Just adding a new line of dialog to the Adoring Fan.

2. Text input box pops up.

3. Player types in the name they want for the fan.

4. Player entered text gets stored as a variable (or someway for the script to call up what the player typed in).

5. Script renames the fan to the name typed in.

6. Player repeats if they decide the fan needs a different name.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The implementation you described is not impossible but pretty complicated.

1. You can use a perk entry point >> Add Activate choice for a secondary activate choice (it's from my Tell Me Your Name - SFSE mod)

2. Could be a Message form

3. If you wouldn't like to use the Console, "real" text input would require an interface file (.swf, Adobe Flash), if you're looking to make something like this.

4.-6. No vanilla script function allows you to rename actors or object references with custom (i.e., player typed) names. You'll have to make an SFSE plugin. Alternatively, if using the Console doesn't bother you, you can use the one I made a few weeks ago.

Edited by LarannKiar
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