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SynthEBD says a mod referenced is not there


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I'm having trouble with SynthEBD. Anyone know how to fix? I have validated the config and I am using the 3ba body but when I try to run the patcher it says:

Failed to write new patch. Error:

======= Layer 0:

A referenced mod was not present on the load order being sorted against: Record Templates - 3BA - pamonha.esp. This mod was referenced by MajorRecord: 006650:SynthEBD.esp

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Binary.Translations.ModHeaderWriteLogic.SortMasters(List`1 modKeys)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Binary.Translations.ModHeaderWriteLogic.ConstructWriteMasters(IModGetter mod)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Binary.Translations.ModHeaderWriteLogic.PostProcessAdjustments(MutagenWriter writer, IModGetter mod, IModHeaderCommon modHeader)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Binary.Translations.ModHeaderWriteLogic.WriteHeader(BinaryWriteParameters param, MutagenWriter writer, IModGetter mod, IModHeaderCommon modHeader, ModKey modKey)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.SkyrimModBinaryWriteTranslation.Write(MutagenWriter writer, ISkyrimModGetter item, ModKey modKey, GroupMask importMask, BinaryWriteParameters param)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.SkyrimModBinaryTranslationMixIn.WriteToBinary(ISkyrimModGetter item, FilePath path, BinaryWriteParameters param, GroupMask importMask, IFileSystem fileSystem)

at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.SkyrimMod.Mutagen.Bethesda.Plugins.Records.IModGetter.WriteToBinary(FilePath path, BinaryWriteParameters param, IFileSystem fileSystem)

at SynthEBD.PatcherIO.WritePatch(String patchOutputPath, ISkyrimMod outputMod, Logger logger, IEnvironmentStateProvider environmentProvider) in D:\a\SynthEBD\SynthEBD\SynthEBD\Patcher\PatcherIO\PatcherIO.cs:line 88

Could not write output file to C:\Users\mypc\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimvr\mods\SynthEBDOutput\SynthEBD.esp


I don't understand the Record Templates - 3BA - pamonha.esp part. I don't have that esp, but I have 3bbb.esp.

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