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Oil Spill Spell


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I am trying to make a spell that places "TrapOilPuddle01" wherever and whenever the projectile hits the ground. unfortunately i can only get it to work if it hits an NPC. this is my script so far
Scriptname aaaMgntOilSpillScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

Activator Property TrapOilPool01 Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
i tried using OnHit but its not a function for "extends ActiveMagicEffect"

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i figured it out. i just made a new projectile that has a specific explosion i made as well, set the explosion to spawn the oil pool. unfortunately the oil pool is always at an awkward angle, so i might have to make a new object that is a duplicate of the oil and put a script that sets its x and y angle to 0 OnLoad or something

Edited by magnet55sphere
wrote poo instead of pool
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