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Necromancy and Lichdom mod conflict with Supreme Magicka


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Some context: Over a year ago I posted my issue on the Necromancy and Lichdom mod's Nexus page, and I haven't got any reply about it yet. I was wondering if somebody here could perhaps enlighten me why these 2 mods seem to conflict or if it's something else, here goes my original post from Nexus:

SM adds the reanimation effect to dead creatures including undead, so it no longer just affects dead NPCs.

"Target cannot be animated" is the message I get while trying to animate Hulking Zombies, but instead they are only reanimated temporarily and then they fall dead to the ground after like 50 seconds or so... Not sure if it's a bug or if I'm missing something...

I used the "Greater Animate" spell, not the Lesser one. Do I need to give them hearts and other body parts besides a weapon? And why does it have a reanimation effect? I'm pretty sure it is the reanimation effect's fault, because I just tested animating a skeleton and a normal zombie and they work fine, but creating a shambles did the same thing as with the hulking zombies, they die after around 40-60 seconds.

Btw, I tested again, loading the .esp plugin lower than the Supreme Magicka .esp and rebuilding my Bashed Patch. The reanimation effect was shorter, and when I casted the Greater Animate spell on a hulking zombie, a shambles, and a flesh atronach, in all 3 attempts, the game crashes after around 30 seconds, just when the reanimation effect of the spell ends.

The only way for me to make this work is by using the resurrect console command on them, totally not the way it was intended...

Any way to solve this?


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