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Need help. Scripting keeps failing to compile.


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I was watching this video try to learn how to script little by little. I followed the video and came up with this script:


Scriptname Z100_ShipmentInjectionsScr extends Quest

MiscObject Property shipment_NuclearMaterial_small auto Const
LeveledItem Property LL_Junk_Large auto Const

Event OnQuestInit()

    LL_Junk_Large.AddForm(shipment_NuclearMaterial_small, 1, 1)


I have it placed in the picture seen below here under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User

I hit compile Papyrus Scripts and it runs for about 15 seconds then says 

Compiling "[Script Name Removed]"...
No output generated for [Script Name], compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on [Script Name]

The script seems like it should be working, but it isn't. Idk why. 

2023-12-04 18_30_42-User.png

2023-12-04 18_42_45-Warnings.png

Edited by RayoftheSun
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You made the script outside of the CK though, didn't you? Unless I read it wrong.

I have it placed in the picture seen below here under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User

Have you tried making a quest in an .esp and creating the script through the CK itself?

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Hello RayoftheSun,

It might be that the compiler doesn't have the permission to write files in the Program Files directory?  For the games you want to mod, I think it's best to install them outside of Program Files folder because that directory is protected.  I don't know for sure if it is the cause in this particular case, but I think this install location will cause problems sooner or later.

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Well that is pretty bad news. If I have to change the location of my installation then this means I will have to go through all of the nifs in my custom mods and specify a new path for every single one of them. Is there a way to just give it permission?


Edited by RayoftheSun
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You should use material files for assigning your textures.  The old Skyrim method like you are doing would work, but that would create extra work if you are doing many assets.  Material files can hold all the necessary texture paths, and parameters in a reusable way.  You can use those files to create material swaps in CK as well.  I don't recommend doing it the old way.

Also, the file path doesn't need to be full.  As you can see in the screenshot,  my material file path only includes the path within the Data folder.  I'm pretty sure the game only cares about path within the Data folder, since some of the vanilla assets have the full file path of Bethesda developers' drives, but still loads fine on my machine.

Like I said, I'm not sure if the install location is your problem, but just that it MIGHT be the cause and I wouldn't recommend it.  I don't think opening up permissions is a good idea, as it would make your machine vulnerable.


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Interesting. I wondering exactly why BGSM were even used when this old method seems to work just fine. I had a feeling it had to do with material swaps, but I didn't think about all the time saving. In future mods Ill use BGSMs. Its also a relief to know that if I change the location of my steam folder then I can still have those nifs working. I am going to first try installing fallout 4 on another computer then entering the CK to see if the script compiles properly. What some other possible causes for why this script is not working? I tried compiling this directly in the CK then edited it with the existing script, but keeping the assigned name. Got the same result. 

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