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So which mods are currently borked and will absolutely not work?


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So SKSE is likely already updated, or will be soon (I didn't bother to check), but since this update doesen't really mess-up the game as much as AE did, how many mods except maybe SKSE and Adress Library are likely to not work, or what kind of mods aren't likely to work until the author updates them? 

I know it improves papyrus and raises esl limits, so everything papyrus-related is also going to not work?

I'd just like an estimate on how long to wait until I reinstall Skyrim, because I was building my modlist and forgot to turn-off auto-updates and I've just uninstalled, because I've decided I didn't like the mods I have installed that much anyway and wanted to start-off clean again. So, should I 

- wait at most a couple of weeks for everything relevant to be updated
- just use 1.640?

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Right now - any and all that require SKSE ... as we need to wait for that to be updated.

Then any / all mods that operate under SKSE .. then we need to wait for them to catch up, if they need to be updated. Some may not need to.

Basically the LIST is too toooo toooooooooo long to even begin to list.

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As soon as they have time to 'go there'.

Beth really did not think this through, right during the Christmas Holiday and they expect people to accept a program update that simply will not work until certain other people ( SKSE ) have time to 'go there'?

This is bad bad PR for Beth.

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