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[SOLVED] Quest Auto-Completes as soon as it starts


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EDIT: So the cause was having multiple stages that complete the quest. I guess this isn't possible in SE? I know some of my quest mods in LE had choices and different stages that ended the quest and gave different rewards based on those choices, but apparently having 2 stages that complete the quest causes the quest to auto-complete no matter what stage is set in SE. This is going to be a problem for this mod in the future, but I'll make a new post asking how to do multiple endings to quests in SE when I get that far.


I saw the quest starting instead of completing, assumed it was fixed. I just happened to notice that it's setting the stage to 100 no matter what stage is called. That's the real reason it was completing. Stage 100 also completed the quest, and no matter what stage is called, it was also calling stage 100. Did a little more searching through the stages. 100 was just all screwed up.
It got accidentally marked as complete stage because it was going to be the final stage and then I changed my mind and added talking to 1 more person onto it, and complete quest just never got unticked from that.
But it was also ticked to be the startup stage...... And I have no clue how that happened. So ofc no matter what stage was called, 100 was included. Meaning multiple ending quests should be no different than in LE, I just had an issue that was overlooked lol.



So I'm having a strange issue in SSE CK that I never had in LE CK, and I'm not sure if it's because quests need to be set up differently for SE or what's going on.

I have 2 quests. The end of quest01 automatically starts quest02.

Quest01 stage 200 fragment:
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(HeroSword, 1)

Quest01 Stage 200 = Complete Quest box ticked.

This correctly completes quest01. However as soon as the text on the screen saying completed quest01 goes away, it immediately pops up 'completed quest02' as well.

Quest02 Stage 10 does NOT have the complete quest box ticked. It DOES have the 'start up stage' box ticked.

Quest02 Stage 10 Fragment:

I've simply never ran into a problem like this, unless it was something simple, like accidentally ticking the "Quest Complete" box on the wrong stage, But I've quadruple checked it. Stage 10 of quest02 does NOT complete the quest in CK, in-game only.

I've also tried just setting the stage of quest02 to 10 with console commands, and this also auto-completes the quest.

Random things I've tried:
I thought maybe in SSE, it just completes the quest if an alias fails to fill instead of just not starting it like in LE. So I tried setting all aliases to optional, but the results remain the same.

I tried creating a new SEQ file. The first quest is the only start game enabled quest, so I didn't think quest02 would need one; It appears I was correct as the issue persists. 

Edited by saintgrimm92
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