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Game Stopped Loading Modded Saved Games


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I last played the game on Dec 11th, have not changed/installed/removed any mods, and as far as I can see the game has not updated. But I tried to load my latest save and it just stops loading when it shows 75% loading. I even walked away, got some coffee and fed my cats, came back and it is still at 75% loading 15 minutes later. Tried again, I can load a save that I DL'd and installed just to test out if that would work. that has zero mods installed, and it loads fine. But my most recent save just refuses to load. 

This is getting ridiculous. I lost all my old save games from before Patch 5 due to the "missing mods" error, even if I re-install those mods, and now my completely new install that was working fine, is refusing to load any of my more recent saves. I just want to play the bloody game. Help!

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This is me. Literally played all night until morning, went to bed and now my save doesnt even load, simplay throws me right into the main menu after loading to 100%.

Script Extender updated itself to version 12 this morning, so I re-rolled back to 11 in hopes to fix it... nope. Also updated all the mods (3 mods had updates available), verified game files, deleted LevelCache etc etc.

I truly think my safe is lost... 3 quests before the (what i assume to be) big finale 🤐

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