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Ugh, keyboard & mouse buttons stopped working after latest updates


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So Steam updated me to the new AE update, and I've gone through Vortex and updated my mods to the latest versions. When I launch the game with SKSE and load my last save, I'm stuck in place with the keyboard and the mouse buttons unresponsive. I'm so ready to ragequit this game, does anyone have an idea what's going on? Yes, I changed the gamepad enable line in skyrimprefs.ini from 1 to 0. 

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Have you found a solution? I'm having the same problem  but i have TK dodge installed, and it still allows me to dodge every direction when pressing wasd + dodge button(mouse side-button), so i guess only mod inputs configurations are working correctly.


Also, I can move the camera but an't zoom in nor out, and the only "vanilla" inputs working for me are open/close console and system menu (esc button by default). showracemenu's  ui works fine.

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