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Is there really anyway to roleplay a character?


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To me, you having this set in stone idea of your character being a righteous paladin despite all the goings on in your playthrough makes total sense. The ordeals you have faced that have burdened you with  feelings of failure make for a good story arc to grow your character even more as now he/she would be racked with guilt and either seeking to atone for those sins or come to terms with them and question those initial beliefs that weigh down on him/her.

My suggestion to you is that if you want to ezmode yourself into a widely expanded, quality skyrim modded experience that you can immerse yourself in as little or as much as you want is to get nolvus.  Add whatever armor mods you may want to add to it (it already has quite a few) with the character you want to play in mind and maybe find yourself a good follower mod to add as well (again, it already had a bunch but saddly mommy Umbrael was nowhere to be found until I remedied that) and just go full rp mode. 

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