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Any powerful item mods?


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I've had this game for a few days now and been looking on the mod pages for ages and one thing i've noticed is there is very little amount of modding gear, and by that I mean stuff to give you a good advantage in the game, i'm not looking to be a god in the game but just to feel tough. I've got OP cyberdecks and OP Cyberware  Legs by Noburu79 and they seem to be the only thing i can find that is what i want (just a fyi he has settings for the mods to allow you to set them to what suits your tastes and mine are "advanced"). I've tried a few others with the atelier store like Blackwall-Street ,  Clothing Mods E-Shop - Virtual Atelier , Psychodeck  and those just don't work (nothing shows up in their store) and from that it's all i can find.

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