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Request Motion Sickness and camera swaying.


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Request for a mod that completely removes camera swaying effect (not talking about leaning). Even when you stand still - your charecter and by extention - camera moves. IRL when you move - during walking or preforming certain actions - your brain gets a proper signals and sensations from your body that keeps it from feeling sick (not talking about terminal health issues or when U purposfully spin to feel dizzy) - so there is no reason for this exessive camera swayings. I get that it supposed to convey a feeling of movement, but theres TOO MUCH of that. And all that camera swaying is unnesusary anyway - because when you making a game - there needs to B a proper way to translate real human moves to PChar moves that feels natural... and this is not the way (unless U want to make a chunk of your audience feel sick).

Edited by chingis009
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