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BG3 Patch 5 on Mac broke Unique Tav and locked my saves


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I have been trying for days to get this resolved and could really use some help.

There are two issues at play: 

1. The patch 5 update for UT breaks and crashes the game (character creation has a blackscreen crash, loading a save has an invisible Tav that locks the game by interacting with anything)

2. There is a patch 5 bug that prevents removing mods that were present during the last save.


To address issue 1 I have tried:

  • Updating the UT file
  • adding Trip's Shader as instructed
  • refreshing the General folder data (which looks the same to me as the last version but idk)

Backup plan is to go without UT mods and just get my saves to load without it. However, every fix for this I have seen requires using a modloader or an .exe tool. Since I'm on a mac, I mod manually and can't run .exes.

I have found that loading the older version of UT with Trip's Shader allows me to run the game without crashing, but Tav displays with a test mesh (??) that has a big grid on it with an RGB scale across the ass. It also causes pixelated neon green to flash around the screen when using combat menus -- so while it's possible to run the game the experience is pretty poor.


Please if anyone can help I will be eternally grateful! 

Edit: Have figured out that Unique Tav is broken for me because the dependency mods need to be set to override. However, there is no apparent way to do this manually. Does anyone know how to set manual mods to override? 

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Larian posted hotfix #15 that resolves the issue of not being able to unload mods. I had that issue as well. If you're on a Mac and not using a mod manager, be careful changing your modsettings.lsx. Any error can cause issues.

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