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BG3-Vortex Bugging Out


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Okay, to start this off. I have a mod list. Can be found here. This works fine for me. A-Okay. All mods install. I haven't checked through if each one does it's intended purpose but I never have an issue loading up with Vortex to get into the game or deploying my mods.

The problem? My friend using the same exact mod list cannot deploy a few mods. He also cannot join me when we both turn those mods off. We can't join each other. We can't get the mods to work. We can't figure out what's breaking. Everything is up to date. All mods are updated. They aren't even important mods the few that break. So, when we turned them off and tried joining each other. It still didn't work.

I'm new to modding games as this isn't like Divinity where really only one person needed the mods and the rest can join off them or like Terraria. So having to have both people download the same mods is a bit much and now I can't figure out what broke and why it's effecting him being able to join my lobby.

It's a lot of rambling but the TL;DR is. My mods work for me. Five or Six do not work for a friend. Turning them off/unistalling them does not let us join each other. Leaving them on doesn't either. We don't know why we can't join each other. And a key part I forgot to mention? The literal night before we played perfectly fine and nothing was wrong. So, it suddenly broke today and we have no idea why. Any advice on where to check what to look for any quick fixes your not sure I tried. ALL of it is really appreciated. 

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