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[Mod Request] Scaling Camp Supplies with Companions


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Having been playing a pretty heavily modded game with Party Limit Begone and numerous difficulty mods including Tactician Plus, I find one area lacking in difficulty is Camp Supplies and their abundance, especially as a true in-game hoarder. I find that even in Act 1, with just the first hour (or even less time) of exploring and/or entering the Emerald Grove you already have the 80 camp supplies to take a long rest and even more if you run around enough. I find this to be pretty boring and more of a hindrance as another screen to go through. I could gimp myself by not collecting/buying camp supplies or if I do, deleting them in some capacity, but that also removes the ability to get a bit of extra gold when you need or messing around with the Monkey passive for Wildheart Barbarian. It also just makes it a lot more tedious in both the short and long run as it's something else I would have to manage on top of everything else.

I did find this mod, Tactician Camp Supplies Balanced, which is neat as it is but I don't want something that's static, I want something that feels a bit more integrated into the game. If I have 2 people in my active party, maybe my camp supply usage could be dropped to 40 (in Tactician), or if I've recruited others but they're just sitting in my camp, shouldn't they also be eating, even if they're just technically sitting around? So I have 4 people in my active party but 4 others in my camp, it could instead be +20 or +40 for each member, making 160 camp supplies required if you think about them requiring 20 each, though I'm not a numbers guy. And what about the other passive campsite NPCs that show up, whether temporary or not, shouldn't they also use supplies per Long Rest? Owl Cub, Scratch, Elminster (even just that one night, maybe a special case and he takes 100 by himself? Lol), Volo, Isobel and Dame Aylin, Yenna, etc.

I think a mod that could integrate dynamic scaling Camp Supply costs for Long Rests would be a great mod to add not only some difficulty, but some flavor and give real use to them. I would imagine that it'd be balanced by the difficulty and not just be applied to Tactician, but that's up to the creator. That being said, as mentioned I'm also not a numbers guy so I can't say for certain what would make sense, but a +20 or +40 camp supply required for each active and/or passive member (or maybe a way to customize or separate files for what people want) could be really cool. I'm not sure if this is at all possible considering I haven't delved into modding BG3, but if anyone has any ideas or would like to take on this project I'd love to hear about it.

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