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Game Keeps Crashing Everytime I Save


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So randomly out of nowhere my game starting crashing everytime I try to save the game in anyway. I was playing my recently created  female Dark elf mage character & was doing the College questline, on the quest where I need to go to Labyrintian. It was working fine all day, but after I left the Hall of Elements after speaking with Mirabelle & getting the Torc to open the Labyrinthian door I fast travelled to Whiterun as it was the closest area to Labyrinthian I have discovered (I usually don't rely on fast travel, but I was caught for time & was trying to get through the questline as fast as possible) & that's where it started.  I've spent the last hour or two trying to figure it out, but everything I do doesn't work. My Crash Logger did log the crash but I'm not the best and determining what's the main cause. The file attached is the crash log, if anyone can let me know what's causing it I'd be grateful. What's weird is it's only with the specific character. I loaded up another character just to see & I was able to save the game without issue.


Edited by AndrewFaulkner
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