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Purple textures for bones.

Guest deleted194113433

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Guest deleted194113433

Update: This issue is now resolved.

I recently installed some mods, and now I'm getting this.


I will note that these specific textures are the only ones doing this, as far as I'm aware. I was going through Bleak Falls Barrow when I discovered it. I went through the rest of the location and found no other issues. Skeletons, random skulls, and dead Draugr in the wall graves (or whatever they're called) are not doing this.

I play SE 1.5.97, and the mods I installed are ENB, Lux, Lux Via, Particle Patch for ENB, NAT.ENB III - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB 3.1.1C, EVLaS, and ENB Helper SE. Also, I use Skyland AIO but didn't have this issue before I installed the mods listed above, though I'm adding it just in case. This issue is annoying but doesn't seem to go beyond this. However, I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me figure out what's causing this.


Edited by CrowOfItachi
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If there is a version of More Informative Console for 1.5.97, go get it, install, and load your save that has this problem.  Open the console, and click directly on the texture(s) involved, one at a time, and record what it shows you about the mod it comes from, and 'last modified by'.  That will tell you where to look.

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Guest deleted194113433
2 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

If there is a version of More Informative Console for 1.5.97, go get it, install, and load your save that has this problem.  Open the console, and click directly on the texture(s) involved, one at a time, and record what it shows you about the mod it comes from, and 'last modified by'.  That will tell you where to look.

Ok. I installed the mod you mentioned but don't know how to use it to see what mod is causing the issue. I clicked on the purple textures, but I don't really know what I'm looking at. I don't mess with this stuff much. Here's what it showed me. I'm showing it to you because I'm sure you know more than I do.


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Well, that report doesn't show me much, either.  I am not sure that you are showing the affected texture, it might be covered (overlaid) by the NorTmpHall... item.  Try it again, but when you get to this point, having clicked on the texture in the console, place your cursor over the 'Textures' item in that top left window, and hit the 'shift' key.  That should show all of the textures involved in the NorTmpHall... item, in a new window to the right of the main window.  Once you see those involved textures, look at their names, try to find the ones with 'skeleton' or 'bones' in the name, and perform the shift-click again.  That may show you what is affecting that texture.  Or, if you can't see one that looks likely, simply shift-click on each of those 16 textures in turn, looking for any overwrites, and do a screenshot when you look at each one.

Also, you may not be close enough to 'see' the texture when you click on it in the console.  You can try using the 'tcl' command while in console, BEFORE you click on anything in the console.  Enter the console, type tcl, and proceed to move towards the bad texture until you just get through it, and back up until you can see the purple flooding your screen, then click on that texture to see if anything else shows up in the MIC report.  You will have to de-select (no items shown in console) by clicking again on that texture, or just double-clicking on anything else, before you can type tcl again to cancel it.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I am trying to write things out step-wise, so you can do this the first time.

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Guest deleted194113433
10 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Well, that report doesn't show me much, either.  I am not sure that you are showing the affected texture, it might be covered (overlaid) by the NorTmpHall... item.  Try it again, but when you get to this point, having clicked on the texture in the console, place your cursor over the 'Textures' item in that top left window, and hit the 'shift' key.  That should show all of the textures involved in the NorTmpHall... item, in a new window to the right of the main window.  Once you see those involved textures, look at their names, try to find the ones with 'skeleton' or 'bones' in the name, and perform the shift-click again.  That may show you what is affecting that texture.  Or, if you can't see one that looks likely, simply shift-click on each of those 16 textures in turn, looking for any overwrites, and do a screenshot when you look at each one.

Also, you may not be close enough to 'see' the texture when you click on it in the console.  You can try using the 'tcl' command while in console, BEFORE you click on anything in the console.  Enter the console, type tcl, and proceed to move towards the bad texture until you just get through it, and back up until you can see the purple flooding your screen, then click on that texture to see if anything else shows up in the MIC report.  You will have to de-select (no items shown in console) by clicking again on that texture, or just double-clicking on anything else, before you can type tcl again to cancel it.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I am trying to write things out step-wise, so you can do this the first time.

Ugh. I hate console command stuff. I appreciate you being as thorough as possible, though. Most people can't be bothered.

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Guest deleted194113433

@7531Leonidas Hey. Sorry for the late reply. I was caught up in other business. Anyway, I went back and got screenshots of the textures using More Informative Console. I hope that these provide more info because I don't understand it.







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Unless you are comfortable using SSEEdit to find conflicts, I suggest focusing on the SMIM_ entries, suggesting that your SMIM installation is not in proper order.  You can try reinstalling SMIM, but if you use MO or MO2, you could double-check your override folder first, to make sure something didn't get misplaced.  If you haven't installed SMIM (Static Mesh Improvement Mod - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/659 ), that could be the source of your problem right there, as something else you installed expected that texture to be there.

In case you missed it there is also Static Mesh improvement Mod - SMIM - Quality Addon ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44388 ) that cleans up some stuff in SMIM.  I am glad that you asked about this stuff, I had neglected to update my installation to the latest v.1.5.

One more Misc. SMIM Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34656 ) this likewise changes some small things, including some skeleton UV textures (whatever those are - I know that bad UV can also cause problems).  Since this involves skeletons, I thought you just might be interested.  If you install these, make sure that they overwrite SMIM each, in the order I have listed.  Newer, or higher resolution, textures should probably overwrite these all of SMIM and these two extras.

Edited by 7531Leonidas
added one more mod listing plus instructions
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Guest deleted194113433

I don't have SMIM installed because it wasn't listed as a requirement for anything. If I have to install it, can I do so on my current save, or do I have to do it in a new game? I don't think it's a conflict because I don't see Skyland AIO (my only texture mod) conflicting with anything else. Also, I checked my overwrite folder in MO2 and didn't see anything for this.

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Guest deleted194113433
10 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Well, something wants the SMIM skeleton textures.  AFAIK, texture mods are usually pretty safe to install/uninstall on an existing game/save.  In this case, you should be able to load SMIM (and the fixes) before your Skyland stuff.  You could also ask at the Skyland AIO mod page.


Ok. I'll try it out and get back to you. I appreciate your help!

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