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Crashing after loading a save!


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Okay so Ive always been able to figure out what was crashing my modded Skyrim, but in this instance I'm Lost. I had an issue with it not getting past the Beth logo it turned out to be better third person selection so I fixed that. But now Get access violation. Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

crash log below



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After a quick scan, it looks to me like you still have problems with one or more SKSE-based mods.  There is a post on the SkyUI page about needed adjustments to a .json that refers to the steam wrapper, which Beth so helpfully /s left out of 1.6.1130.  Additionally, you may have one or more individual SKSE-based mods that are not yet compatible.  ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) can be a good place to start looking for that information.  That is a Nexus sited page.

I am still on 1.6.640, so I can't help much with specifics.

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This is a typical problem log you got if something is not compatible with the new version of skyrim. I guess the mod (probably some dll stuff) is running in a memory area where it is doing, well, nothing really good.

I have similiar issues, when you deactivate a non compatiblle mod , for example valhalla combat, true hud etc. , quick loot , you will be one step further to have a running game (what ever it is worth, if you have to disable a lot of your mods ...) 

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You guys are awesome! Thank you!! I figured it was still one of the mods because it was saying that the exe was crashing. I just wasnt very sure. Ill do the old fashioned disable and see what is causing it!

I also need to figure out why its disabling all the plugins because that can be a problem too. I did the fix for that but no luck.

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