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Textures bug after fast travel in AE


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I have had the same problem with some of my builds, although not with the current one. I never have found out what the conflict was with,.

What I would do was to save whenever I was going to fast travel to Whiterun and then if that happened go back to that save and play for a while, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes, save again and then fast travel to Whiterun again. That usually did the trick. If not i Would just repeat until I fast traveled to Whiterun successfully.

As it did not happen all that often and was relatively easy to correct I considered it a minor bug and just lived with it.

Maybe someone who has had that problem has figured out what was causing it can inform us what it was.

I do know that I have had a problem with textures on roads disappearing on a path leading to Ivarstead before and found out it was caused by Better Roads and Bridges. Although I do not believe that is the cause of this, still anything is possible.

Tried to attach a picture of the one I was talking about on the path to Ivarstead but it was too large; 10 MB.

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Thank you for that link, it looks like it could be the solution to our problem.

I will give it a shot on my next play through as the problem I have on the path to Ivarstead only happens the first time I travel on that path and after that everything loads correctly.

Actually I think the two problems are unrelated as I do not fast travel to the Ivarstead path.

Still, I like the mod and am going to install it on my next play through, certainly cannot hurt.

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