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How to manually clean wild edits?


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Hello. I'm just a gamer, wanting my game to look pretty. I am not a developer, programmer, modder, none of that. I'm returning after a long time away and just getting used to Vortex.

I have successfully installed many mods, and I can see in the Plugin tab that there is a LOOT message for one of them (RLO - Interiors). It says that I need to manually clean this file by removing a list of records. (screenshot included). 

Now, I had used a much older version of SSEdit years ago, and I have no idea what I am doing here. I located one of the records indicated... I think... but nowhere is there an option to delete it. Not any that I understand. (screenshot also included)

What do I do? Thank you.


Edited by WyrtWicce
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