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Hair physics mods


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I am finding myself faced with a problem that probably seems trivial to most but causes me enough anguish for me to come whine publicly about it. 

Ks hairdos, dint's hair mods, yuandow*, ying and so such all have spoiled me with the appeal of nice flowing hair with mostly good collision detection and weight... But I personally am a big sucker for undercuts and shorter hairstyles for my bad b&@*$ avatar, and those I have found in the apachii hair mod would be 10/10 absolutely amazing were it not for the fact that them being physics-less feels to me like it is letting the game's vanilla age show where other mods do not.

How hard is it for somebody with novice modding skills from another game series but none whatsoever with bethesda games to get gud enough so I can fix my own wagon and get these hairstyles the physics they deserve? If the answer is anything ranging from hard to ludicrous, then my follow-up question is who might I want to ask a commission from?

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