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Except Uriel Septim's son, who do you think deserved to be Emperor


Oblivion RatingExcept Uriel Septim's son, who do you think deserved to be Emperor ?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Who deserve to be Emperor ?

    • Yourself
    • High Chanchellor Ocato
    • Gray Fox
    • Lucien Lachance
    • Came from a Mod
    • Sheogorath or the other madmen and madwomen.
    • One of the good guys
    • One of the bad guys
    • Adoring Fan
    • Others

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I´d say Occato is probably the best qualified to run the empire but from a lore point of view it would be really weird for him to be emperor since he is an Altmer. So i vote Jauffre (one of the good guys).
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I'm gonna have to vote for myself... mostly cause I want more titles... seriously... think about it....


Also, I've done all the suicide missions, proved myself unassassinateable, and weild god-like weapons and could kick your fully armored ass if I were naked and silenced!


And I wouldn't sit on the throne, I'd go out and do stuff, laughing as my poor gaurds fail to keep up with me, and kill off the rest of the dagon cult (using gaurds as meatsheilds so I don't have to heal any scratches).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well clearly being a Lucien Lachance fangirl, I would vote for him.

Janus Hassildor has the diplomatic skills and abilityto manage as well.

But in all honesty, I think Jauffre deserves the position. Perhaps Blade training for the imperial legion will help prevent crime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I voted for High Chancellor Ocato.He seems like a good guy,been there for ages,loyal to the empire,and any emperor he served under.He is educated and a skilled battlemage,does his job as best as possible at the crisis which caught the land,not to mention that there is no emperor,ass the last heir died.Of course,it is a hard thing for him as well,to hold the empire together while being targeted as a 'power-hungry' by the counts and nobility,so one more thing for admiring him.Also,he showed great respect and was on the top level of his duty when Martin came to the palace and Mr.Dagon came to play baseball with Imperial Watch.Deffo deserves a throne seat.


Oh,and,there are rumors and speculations that High Chancellor isn't an Altmer. One more + ! ;)

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