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My game crashes 15 seconds after the Bethesda logo.


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So I just spend like 1 hr trying to trouble shoot my first problems.
So the first problem was that my game was crashing after the on the loading screen after pressing new game. And Vortex was disabling almost all of my plugins. (Had to change some stuff in SSE Engine Fixes dll)
After that some other errors which I cleared. (StorageUti.dll | To delete Dynamic animation replacer and something else I think. But those are resolved.)
And now whenever I launch the game, it crashes after like 15 seconds after the Bethesda logo passes.

Here are links to my 
1. Crash Log - https://pastebin.com/h4cp19Rf
2. To my SKSE Log - https://pastebin.com/b6kjEkLu

I have no Idea how to fix the crash. I was really hoping to play some skyrim.
I should mention that I have 403 active mods + ENB.
I have 155 Active plugins and 308 light ones.
I'm also using Vortex instead of MO2.
Does anyone have any solutions or I should just give up on playing Skyrim for now.

If you need any additional info just ask

Now (RaceMenuMorphs and XMPSE) give error which wants me to have RaceMenu SE
I have  RaceMenu Anniversary Edition v0-4-19-15


Edited by DovahDragonborn555656
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You'll have to do it the hard way, I'm afraid. Turn mods one mod, start Skyrim, repeat (starting from the last mod), until you find the culprit (i.e. stops crashing).
It's always a mod (in my experience) that does the 'crashes at start.'

I only have 126 mods installed and it's still occasionally giving me issues. *sigh* 

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