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Skyrim SE - Strange Ragdoll Glitch


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Hi there!

Here's an example of the glitch in action: https://ibb.co/0CDP2Gk

As you can see, whenever someone dies, their limbs contort into weird and wonderful positions, as if the joints don't work as they should anymore. Sometimes they will also continue to spasm, especially the wrists and ankles. Does anyone know what could be causing this, and what I can/need to do in order to fix it? This happens on both creatures and NPCs.

Here's the LOL link: https://loadorderlibrary.com/lists/list-3

I have XP32 MSSE and the Nemesis script fix, and have run Nemesis. I have a whole load of Levifusion's animation replacers, along with Precision, TDM, OAR and AMR. I used to have OnHit Framework and Flinching.

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